Sunday, March 29, 2015


New Media fosters creativity. In this sociotechnical system, which is the society that combines technology and people. Information technology as well as new media has empowered us in many ways. It also expands the scope of time and place. In the past, communication between people will have geographical limit, such as sending mails or traveling to visit the person will take long time. However, with new media, information can travel globally in a efficient time manner. We don't have to do face-to-face communication to keep up friendships. As of for this characteristic of new media, it fosters creativity. How so? Since people can freely engage in any forms of social media, they can come up with ideas real quick, and they can improve the process with other users' monitoring, testing, and approval. In the article, "Twitter Serves Up Ideas From Its followers", Miller suggests the fact that Twitter started offering little more than the ability to post 140-character messages two years ago. However, the idea came up from the people who use the service, and the company watches how people use it. At the last step, its engineers turn this idea into new features of Twitter. "the people making products and running companies — are naturally the ones coming up with new ideas ", Processor Von Hipper said. Customers are the one who actually uses the product, so designing a product that most customers will like is the optimum goal for all the companies. Therefore, in new media, company now is easier to communicate with its customer to know what they want in a time and cost saving way. Moreover, many customers or service users also will provide userful ideas or improvements. These sugguestions are very important to make the product or service better. 

Work Cites: 
  1. Twitter Serves Up Ideas From Its Followers by CLAIRE CAIN MILLER, the New York Times, October 26, 2009. Available at:

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